Chichibu 2012 Single Pinot Noir Cask #5073 / 秩父 2012 シングル ピノノワール カスク #5073

Chichibu 2012 Single Pinot Noir Cask #5073 / 秩父 2012 シングル ピノノワール カスク #5073

SHOP:Fine and Rare
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Chichibu 2012 Single Pinot Noir Cask #5073 / 秩父 2012 シングル ピノノワール カスク #5073 . Based in the city of Hanyu in Japan’s Saitama prefecture, the legendary Japanese whisky brand Hanyu sold blends made from grain whisky produced on its own continuous stills and imported malt whisky from Scotland in 40s, But in 1980, with the introduction of pot stills, Hanyu began producing its own malt whisky which continued until 2000.They stopped distilling whisky during a period of plummeting whisky consumption in Japan, The original Hanyu distillery was dismantled in 2004, and its remaining whisky stocks sold off to Hinode Holdings, Enter Ichiro Akuto, grandson of Hanyu founder Isouji Akuto who witnessed the sale while working for Yamazaki at the time, and decided the precious whisky must be saved. Please note : this is an old bottle and the closure may have deteriorated, care should be taken when it is being opened. The item is sold as and we do not accept liability for the state of the closure.70cl/61,9...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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